Disability Services

Disability Services Testing Center

For Students

It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to complete the ONLINE EXAM REQUEST to the Disability Service Testing Center in the Campus Life Center (CLC) 107 a minimum of 5 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the exam administration date.

How to Complete an Online Exam Request

Video of How to Complete an Online Exam Request

For Faculty

Please review the Alternative Testing Exam Request training video.

*Students will not be able to complete an Alternative Testing Exam Request until you review this video and complete the Alternative Testing Agreement.

Alternative Testing Exam Request for Faculty

Video of Alternative Testing Exam Request for Faculty

Register With Us

We encourage all students with disabilities to register with our office in order to take full advantage of their USC Upstate educational opportunities. To register, click the button below and send any pertinent documentation you may have. Once you have completed your application and submitted your documentation, please contact Disability Services to set up an appointment with a member of our staff.

Typical accommodations provide by our office include:

  • Extended Time for Tests
  • Reduced Distraction Environment for Tests
  • Alternative format Textbooks
  • Screen Magnifiers
  • Braille
  • Text to Speec software
  • Others are available according to Individual Need

How to Fill Out the Online Application

Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching is available to all students registered with Disability Services. Some of the topics covered include the following: time management, academic prioritization, effective reading skills, note-taking skills, and test anxiety. Please contact our office if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. Phone: 864-503-5199 Email: dsinfo@adventuregrowlers.com.

The Accommodations Process

Once you’ve registered, please review our accommodations process. If you do not have documentation, please utilize the following forms:

Alternative Forms of Verification 
If you do not have documentation, you may choose one of the following verification forms. These forms are to be filled out by your current health care provider.

Accessibility Check

If you would like Disability Services to check the accessibility of a document, video, or other course content, please fill out the Accessibility Check Request Form.

The University of South Carolina Upstate is committed to equal access and a barrier-free environment for those with disabilities can fully access programs, services, and all activities at our university.

Report Barriers

Committed to equal access and a barrier-free environment.

The University of South Carolina Upstate is committed to equal access and a barrier-free environment for those with disabilities can fully access programs, services, and all activities at our university.

Accessibility Barriers may include the following:

  • a non-accessible access ramp
  • a non-accessible restroom
  • a non-accessible website
  • video does not have captions
  • lack of access to an event or program

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • You MUST apply with us if you want accommodations. Your services will not simply transfer to our office, you must register with our office to receive services through Disability Services. Having an IEP or 504 in high school is helpful for us to look at as part of your application for a Reasonable Accommodations Plan, but it does not guarantee services.

    1. Visit Disability Services on the web. 
    2. Scroll down to “Register With Us” where you will fill out an application and then hit submit. The next screen will allow you to upload any documentation that confirms your disability.
      1. NOTE: If you do not have the documentation to upload, you can have your documentation emailed to DSINFO@adventuregrowlers.com or by fax to 864-347-3328.
    3. Once your application is submitted and documentation received, someone will review them and you will then be contacted to set up either a phone, virtual, or in-person meeting to discuss your accommodation needs.
  • IEP’s and 504’s are good for background information, but they do not document a disability. Documentation will vary based on your diagnosis. If you have a psychological evaluation, that would document your disability. If you do not have a copy, you can get a copy from your school district. If you have a medical or psychological diagnosis your current health care provider can provide documentation that states your diagnosis, how it affects a major life function, and possible accommodation needed. Please see our forms link if you would like a send a form for your treating professional to fill out and send back to our office.

  • Please call our office at 864-503-5199 and schedule an appointment. During this appointment, we will begin the interactive process. Please be prepared to discuss your disability and how it affects you. We will discuss all aspects of your possible needs and your strengths. The letter of accommodation will be written at this meeting.

  • Students should not assume that accommodations provided in high school will also be given in college. Also, in high school some IEP’s contained modifications as well as accommodations. The college provides reasonable accommodations but does not modify course content or objectives; accommodations are provided to ensure equal access.

  • Examples of possible classroom accommodations are 50% extended time on tests and quizzes, distraction reduced room for testing, use of a digital recorder in class, use of a four-function calculator in math, etc. Accommodations can vary based upon needs and type of disability.

  • You must have testing accommodations through our office to take tests in our testing center. Please download Proctor Sheet from our website. The student needs to fill out the top of the form and the professor needs to complete the bottom of the form. Only completed forms will be accepted. The proctor sheet MUST be turned in 5 days before the test date. If it is a final exam, the proctor sheet is required to be turned in 2 weeks before the final exam date. If you are in the Mary Black School of Nursing, please fill out the proctor form for nursing courses.

  • Our office also provides academic coaching.  These sessions are initiated by the student who wishes for further help academically.  In these sessions, we cover topics such as time management, study skills, organization, and test-taking skills.

    We can also provide accommodations for Housing and Residential Life and Dining Services.  To receive accommodations for Housing and Residential Life, please complete the Special Housing Accommodation Form (PDF). The student will need to complete Part 1. Their current health care provider needs to complete Part 2. 

    Please contact our office to discuss Dining Services accommodations.

  • Yes, you can receive accommodations for a temporary disability.  Please contact our office to discuss your temporary disability accommodation needs. You will need to provide documentation of your temporary disability from your treating health professional.